WordPress Setup checklist

  • Install latest WP from net
  • required plugin lists

WordPress SCSS checklist

  • Download WP-SCSS Plugin from here
  • Upload plugin to plugins directory.
  • Active plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress.
  • Configure plugin options through settings page settings -> WP-SCSS.
    • Add the paths to your directories below. Paths should start with the root of your theme. example: “/assets/scss/” and “/assets/css/”.
    • Choose how you would like SCSS and source maps to be compiled and how you would like the plugin to handle errors.
    • Please must checked Enqueuing Options that can enqueue your css stylesheets in the header automatically.
  • After done all changes click on save changes.

WordPress Development checklist

  • Make Debug true in developing mode only.
  • Always Up-to-date the theme’s Screenshot in Backend (Replace screenshot.png in Theme File)
  • Install Querymonitor plugin while developing Link
  • Rename Option page to “Theme option” and put out it to beneath theme menu
  • Check each variable is blank or not then use it.
  • Don’t ignore any php warnings or notices.
  • Must be a proper comment for code Section.
    <?php // Start Banner section 
    --Banner section Code ---      
    // End Banner Section  ?>
  • Code comment.
    * [description]
    * @method method_name/function_name
    * @param  [type]          variable_name [description]
    * @uses used functions
    * @return [type](type : string , mixed , int , array , boolean)               [description]
  • Give proper function name
    add_action( 'wp_head', 'action__wp_head' , 0 );
    function action__wp_head() {
    // code
    add_action( 'wp_head', 'action__wp_head_10' , 10 );
    function action__wp_head_10() {
    // code
    add_filter( 'the_content', 'filter__the_content' );
    function filter__the_content( $content ) {
    // code
    return $content;
  • Always use Yoda conditions: ‘foo’ === $bar . Link For Yoda Conditions
  • If blog does not have comment section then uncheck “Anyone post a comment” from setting -> discussion
  • Create functions for common functionality.
  • Always use ” (doublequotes) for the attribute’s value while using php
    echo '<a href="/static/link" title="Yeah yeah!">Link name</a>';
  • If functionality scope is larger then create plugin instead of creating so many custom functions in function file.
  • Try to Optimize the code.
  • Don’t change plugin’s core files, use hook to fulfill project’s requirements or if hook is not available then add code for ‘disable’ the plug-in update.
  • Functions, Variables name must be meaning-full and general.
  • Template name must be based on layout style. Like Grid, listing etc…
  • Must use srcset for all images.
  • When use purchase theme create child theme.
  • Always create sections as per front-end order and give user friendly name.
  • Create 404 page as per theme layout.
  • Create Search result and no search result page as per theme layout.
  • Solve console Js errors before go further.
  • To include js, css use WP default functions like wp_enqueue_style, wp_enqueue_script.
  • Always use jQuery as per HTML format.
  • Put heavy js (Like API call etc…) in footer only.

WordPress SEO checklist

  • Add PHP code for “alt” tag to make it dynamic (Image).
  • Add PHP code for “title” tag to make it dynamic (Links).
  • add ACF link picker for link
  • Add Google analytic code filed in header theme option.
  • Add Google trcking code filed in header theme option.
  • Do not Use Heading tags in <footer></footer> Section

WordPress Production Testing checklist

  • Check front-end pages in all windows & mac browsers and Devices.
  • Test whole functionality in deep manner.
  • Check if grammar or spelling mistakes.
  • All links should working properly and all third party links should be open in new tab.
  • Change site tagline with project’s tagline.
  • Social media links should working.
  • All forms email should be working.
  • After done with production testing give project to QA team and guide properly to QA team for project front,admin and functionality.
  • Create guideline doc

WordPress Performance checklist

  • Check Site’s performance with
    Google PageSpeed — Desktop: 65+ Mobile: 25+
    Gt metrix — B grade
  • All Images must be optimized.
  • Use css, js caching and minify versions.

WordPress Security checklist

WordPress Launch checklist

  • Follow the previous checklists to make sure all setup, development, backup, security, SEO and general tasks have been completed.
  • Check for broken links on links and redirections.
  • Confirm admin email address is correct.
  • Confirm time zone is correct.
  • Make debug false
  • No index uncheck from admin
  • Permalink set or not
  • Remove production url (103 server) if found.
  • Form testing ( don’t use your personal email id use zwt testing email id) and functionality testing
  • Remove adminer from the root directory
  • Clean the dummy data. Also make sure that there no data which is belongs to india name or zealousweb

Other topics:

  • General Plug-ins list
  • Purchased plug-ins and themes list.
  • Sharing Library/ issues & solutions /
  • R&D list