Title Tag

  • Should have at least Page Name in Title tag2 css
  • Example:<title>Page Name</title>

Heading H1 to H6 Tags

  • At least H1 tag should be present on each page
  • Sidebar & footer’s headers should not be in h1 or h2 tag

Meta Description

  • Should have page content snippet (if possible)
  • Example:<meta name="description" content="Page Description" />
  • Note: if we slice pages with dummy data then don’t put dummy text in Meta-Data. Leave that Blank.

Extra Page

  • Must have to create typography page
  • We can made 404 page from typography page.

Optimized Images

Inline style

  • Style should not be Internal style sheet and Inline style in HTML page (unless it’s mandatory).

Coding style

  • All code must have commented as section wise.
  • Main wrapper class in section shuold be same in all same CMS pages
  • Do not include unnecessary javascript, css or extra code tag.
  • “Lesser the coding, betters the crawling” is search engine funda. So keep the code neat, clean & compact.

Unit Testing